Great deals on flights in the Old Continent

Great deals on flights in the Old Continent
At the moment, because of small airline companies, we can travel for a penny, using air jets as our modes of transportation. It’s a lot more comfortable, quicker and simpler then car or a train. From one side of Europe to another one, you could get within three hours max. That is why, when you want to visit your relatives in capital of Germany or even go to a Black Sea side, you need to book a tickets right now.

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Travelling to North Africa – protected or not – query about touristry

Travelling to North Africa – protected or not – query about touristry
Tunisia and Egypt – two of the most popular destinations for vactions in North Africa. After terrorism acts in Tunisia (26th of June 2015, 38 foreign tourist were killed) and news about ISIS (The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) growth many Europeans are wondering is it safe to pick these countries for their holidays. Tunisia – paradise for tourists, warm climate, beautiful beaches, lots of luxury hotels.

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